Click on any image to see a larger version - float your mouse over the drawings for a brief description.


Lee Sullivan Art

my first comic strip!




Transformers Comic Book Art


. . . and almost the same scene over 15 years later for the Titan reprints; a complete coincidence as neither Simon Furman who briefed me or I remembered the cover for TF#105 till after the art was printed :)  Interesting contrast in styles . . .





Recently, the Transformers have started to generate conventions in their honour, and I've been fortunate enough to be invited to attend along with many colleagues from that time. It's interesting to finally meet the audience we were working for over a decade ago, although it's an unwelcome reminder of the passage of time! Fortunately, we're all much more glamorous these days :)


Here are some other moments from my Transformers involvement over the years . . .




METROPLEX AWAKES . . . big fellow, isn't he? This artwork has the proud distinction of having been stolen from the offices of Marvel UK - a rare compliment indeed



Auto Assembly 2006 convention booklet cover



Titan reprint cover





Transformers was my first work in comics and has resurfaced from time to time since I began producing colour covers for the Transformers (Marvel UK) weekly comic. After about a year, I was given the opportunity to illustrate a short comic strip story for the 1988/9 Annual. I then regularly produced strips for the weekly title from issues 160 through to to the early 200s.


These in turn led to my work on Doctor Who Magazine (Marvel UK) and RoboCop (Marvel US). Although not the first Transformers work of mine to be published - printing schedules dictate that annuals have to be produced a lot further in advance than regular comics - this is the first comic strip page I ever produced.

As a matter of trivia, my version of the character 'Galvatron' is based on the actor Jack Nicholson.
The collapsed crane in panel 2 is a reference to the one which crashed into Marvel UK's offices, nearly ending the career (and everything else) of editor & writer Simon Furman.
Also, the store front 'Mackay's Music' turns up in nearly all my work where city backgrounds are required. Andy Mackay, the saxophone/oboe player of the mighty Roxy Music group is one of my heroes - see my 'Thunderbirds' page for more examples of this.
In-jokes help the hours fly by!




my first work on TF - cover for issue 92


annual cover - scanned from the original 1989 artwork



TF#94 cover





TF#111 cover




TF#99 cover



TF#101 cover




TF#105 cover from 1987 . . .









TF#115 cover



TF#118 cover






Here's a curiosity - the launch of the Atari Transformers game was to contain a mini-comic specially commissioned from Wildfur Productions. Mysteriously, very few of the game packs actually contained the comic, so for those who missed it in 2004, here it is. Line art is available for purchase.

Credits:- script - Simon Furman; pencil art - Lee Sullivan; inks - Stephen Baskerville; colour/computer FX - Andrew Wildman; letters - Richard Starkings & Comicraft's Jimmy Betancourt; design/editorial Wildfur Productions


Images and characters copyright (C) 2006 their respective copyright owners. No infringement intended.

Old TF scans courtesy of www.tfarchive.com . This website (C) 2006 Lee Sullivan - its contents are for the promotion of the artist's work. Thanks to respective colourists and writers whose work is featured on this site.

Website design - you guessed it - Lee Sullivan


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